
This Week in Trek Episode 348, “The Worf Place”
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Review spreadsheet
Harlan Ellison: “For a brief time I was here, and for a brief time, I mattered.”—HE, 1934-2018. 6/28
Star Trek Discovery, Sonequa Martin-Green Win Saturn Awards. http://www.startrek.com/article/discovery-martin-green-win-saturn-awards
The president of Bell Media recently purchased Pinewood Studios where Discovery is produced. May start offering tours. CBS would have to agree.
Kirk & Picard 7″ figures from McFarlane Toys delayed from June to Sept. bit.ly/2t81n4W
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Why do you think there was no communications officer in TNG?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Think Like a Man. (2012) Chris Brown, Gabrielle Union. Something about a relationship being like war.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: DS9: The Emissary pt2
Character insight – Admiral Leyton and Erika Benteen
Subspace communications
Podcast: Play in new window | Download

This Week in Trek Episode 327-Discovery Edition, “A moon full of spores makes Discovery go ’round”
Discord: http://discord.thisweekintrek.com
Patreon: http://patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
Our look at Star Trek Discovery Episode 14, “The War Without, The War Within”

World Of Warcast Episode 276, “Remember when getting a gold was hard?”
Discord: http://discord.worldofwarcast.com
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
N/A monk now level 74 with 2 days 18 hours played and over 20k gold
Boosted my 62 paladin to 110
Rep grinding
This Week in WoW
Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl yesterday and today
Arena Bonus Event til Tuesday
Love Is In the Air Feb 2-16 (see news)
Darkmoon Faire starts Sunday
Next Tuesday: World Quest Bonus Event and PvP Brawl: Southshore vs. Tarren Mill
All accounts have 16 character slots per realm
Preorder for Battle of Azeroth
No official release date
Server issues
Perk: quests to unlock allied races
Nightborne: Exalted with the The Nightfallen and completion of Insurrection
Void Elf: Exalted with Argussian Reach and completion of You Are Now Prepared!
Lightforged Draenei: Exalted with Army of the Light and completion of You Are Now Prepared!
Highmountain Tauren: Exalted with Highmountain Tribe and completion of Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
Remember: DMF hat/carousel give rep bonuses, and next week is the world quest event which gives rep bonuses as well.
Walking into Light’s Hope Cathedral with a void elf sparks some interesting conversation.
The economic impact of allied races over the next few weeks
Void Elves Everywhere! “Void elves are alliance only because they were crying and wanted their own blood elves”. – from Joe on the forums via a YouTuber he was watching
Unlocking races on factions: you can do the requirements on either side but you need someone on that faction to do the unlock quests. (An Alliance member can have the achievements for Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren, but a 110 Horde must do the quests)
Collector’s Edition perks
Gilded Ravasaur (Horde) and Seabraid Stallion (Alliance) mounts
Tottle turtle (aquatic) pet
Overwatch voice lines, emotes, sprays and icons
Heroes of the Storm Primal Flamesaber mount
Starcraft II sprays
Hearthstone card pack, Azeroth is Burning
No Diablo perk
110 Boost details
Boosts any toon to 110
Hearthstone and Dalaran hearthstone; hearthstone reset to Dalaram inn
3 level 870 artifact relics
Level 35 artifact power and first artifact weapon (make sure you’re in the right spec!)
Flight Master’s Whistle
Kirin Tor supply bag, which contains basic food, water, starter ancient mana, ancient potions, mana diving stone, a tome of the tranquil mind
If you are 60 or over, boosts primary professions to 700 and first aid to 700
Suramar is open to the extent that Thalyrissa is there and will give you the first few quests — no longer have to do the opening scenario of finding her and escorting her in
Does NOT come with a level 3 WOD garrison – reports if you boost a “Character Trial to 100” toon to permanent 110 that you will get the garrison
Battle for Azeroth System Requirements
Windows machines will need 64-bit systems
Minimum processor: Intel Core i5-760 or AMD FX 8100 or higher, recommended i7 4770 or AMD FX 8310 – basically need at least a quad core machine now
Video cards: 2GB minimum on video board, GeForce GT 560, AMD Radeon 7850 or Intel 530 – recommended GeForce GTX 960 or AMD Radeon R9 280 (up from 1GB cards)
Memory: Minimum 4GB, recommends 8 GB (up from 2)
Storage: 70 GB, recommends SSD, up from 45
No changes to minimum resolution/display
Love Is In The Air – Feb 2-16
Speculation that the new flower crowns datamined earlier will be perks for this year’s Love Is In the Air
Classic interview
Old code no longer compiles
Old database no longer works
New graphics are on the table, wants to hear from the community
My guess – not until 2019
Forum people are SO IMPATIENT.
Naked & Afraid
51 unique participants
Rule change: Allied Race Division
Current highest level: 74
Three characters at 60
Mod of the Cast: Memoria (Tororosso) – https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/memoria
Joe posted a screenshot macro on the Naked and Afraid discussion board that displays played time and takes a screenshot 0.2 seconds after
Tororosso posted about Memoria, an addon that takes a screenshot automatically for different milestones, such as leveling, achievements, reputation levels, or when a battleground or arena ends.
Only issue with Memoria is that it doesn’t put in the /played time, unless you’ve put it in right before you ding

World Of Warcast Episode 275, “Hand-harvested free-range Cobalt Ore”
Discord: http://discord.worldofwarcast.com
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
N&A monk now level 62 with 1 day 20 hours /played and almost 15k gold
Utilized the one-switch rule to respec from brewmaster to windwalker around level 45
Went “in order” until about level 40, and then went out of order doing zones where I had no transmogs (Burning Steppes, Stonetalon, and Southern Barrens) – thank you All The Things.
Finished to 60 in Winterspring to level up mining
Went straight to Northrend (Howling Fjord), skipped Outland entirely
Working on rep and mounts.
Still working on that Nerf Scrapbots achievement. Is it bugged?
This Week in WoW
Burning Crusade Timewalking
Call of the Scarab ended Tuesday
Arena Skirmishes start Tuesday
Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl mini event Wednesday
Battle of Azeroth Collectors’ Edition perks datamined – https://www.wowhead.com/news=281070/battle-for-azeroth-collectors-edition-rewards-seabraid-stallion-gilded-ravasaur-?webhook/battle-for-azeroth-collectors-edition-rewards-seabraid-stallion-gilded-raptor-to – Seabraid Stallion (Alliance), Gilded Ravasaur (Horde) and Tottle (turtle pet)
Shu-zen, the Divine Sentinel flying dog mount datamined – probably part of Lunar Festival (Year of the Dog) starting Feb 16
Transmog bug – people reporting not being able to transmog while wearing some items from [Satchel of Helpful Goods]
Changes to Recruit a Friend:
Experience gains reduced from 200 to 50%.
Heirloom XP bonus no longer stacks with RAF XP bonuses
Patch 7.3.5 hotfixes this week
Lost Mail – now properly spawns at random Dalaran locations and Postmaster title is now account-wide.
Fixed the Normal/Heroic HP pool boss switch
Raiding fixes take boss HP levels BELOW previous levels
Fixed the bug that made pet names disappear
Boulder quest in Redridge has been fixed
Patch 7.3.5 – Leveling
Transitions between expansions
No big gear reset until level 61, when item levels jumped from 60 to 80
Professions do transfer but not smoothly
When you buy your skill for mining/herbs from 300, it now goes to 450 instead of 375 (both expansions)
Experience with mining: could gather and learn to smelt both Fel Iron (Outland) and Cobalt Ore (Northrend). Started with 252 mining; could only gather Cobalt Ore Nuggets
By level 325, still only collecting nuggets. Went to Outland and confirmed I could collect whole Fel Iron Ore. However, Fel Iron was gray (getting no skill). Cobalt Ore still orange (getting skill)
Last level to get Cobalt Nuggets: 340. Started getting whole cobalt at 341. Cobalt Ore gathers still orange and still getting orange skill from smelting. Turned Yellow at 350. Turned Green at 362.
Can get 80+ mining skill points off smelting alone (started slowing down at 355) – market has not caught up on all servers, but on Silvermoon ore is selling for 5x more than bars.
Filius reported re: manufacturing professions, also skipping to Northrend: There are recipes to make things at your level, but the results may not be usable. Was making potions that he could create in low 60s that were only usable by mid-70s.
Idea: how to find what’s good to sell?
Naked & Afraid 2018
Cattarina is new winner of the Shaman Challenge with 2 days 1 hour
Up to 41 participants, 28 of whom are now 20 or over
All classes represented, with most popular being druids (9) and monks (7); least represented, shaman (1) and priest (2)
8 participants currently have more than 1000 gold. Two have 3000 or more, and one has nearly 15,000
Minor rule clarifications:
Auction mules may not do anything but buy and sell — no primary or secondary skill use (cooking, disenchanting, smelting).
Some confusion over mounts and which you can use
Some confusion over use of inherent class abilities such as hunter pet respeccing and use of monk daily
Filius is also live streaming
Lessons Learned: Lessons in the leveling experience from our Discord family
Restrictions: not as bad as Ironman Challenge

This Week in Trek Episode 326, “It’s fine”
Discord: http://discord.thisweekintrek.com
Patreon: http://patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
Jason Issacs nominated for best actor – Empire Magazine awards.
The Shape of Water nominated for several Oscars.
New gear on the Star Trek store.
Also – Charon
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: “Watch DS9 season2 Past Tense: Part 1 and part 2. Seriuosly.”
Which would you rather have: a great Trek story that breaks cannon or an average story that doesn’t break cannon?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Veep (2016), HBO. Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Political comedy / drama. In this season finale, there’s a close election just like the one in 2016.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: DS9, S3: Past Tense Part 1
Character insight: Sito Jaxa
Subspace communications
Podcast: Play in new window | Download

This Week in Trek Episode 325-Discovery Edition, “Fidget Spinners Were the Last Thing on Their Minds”
Discord: http://discord.thisweekintrek.com
Patreon: http://patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
Our look at Star Trek Discovery Episode 12, “Vaulting Ambition”
Podcast: Play in new window | Download

World Of Warcast Episode 274, “Gallywix of Silvermoon”
Discord: http://discord.worldofwarcast.com
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
Ren –
Did transmog count, found out only had 17% of mail transmogs
Kind of Argussed out
Running WoW off new SSD .. makes an enormous difference
Mike –
Still having problems with XT achievement. One day we get to 18, the next, 0
I got a pony!
I lost 700 achievement points, probably due to rearranging the achivements.
Mournful Moan of Murmur is now up and running after TWO YEARS of being broken.
I have not yet tried to level a toon yet.
The price of Celendras dropped like a rock. From 750k to 50k.
When you go into Ulduar, it’s now 10-man no matter what you set raid to.
It took forever to kill Galleon and Sha of Anger.
Zone quests are now gauged by chapters, not numbers of quests completed.
I was mailed all the new mats.
This Week in WoW
Pet Battle Event
Call of the Scarab – Jan 21-23
Patch 7.3.5
Patch notes: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/21365423
Undocumented patch notes
Known issues:
Mobile/web AH disabled
Dungeon boss HP levels reversed Normal vs. Heroic
Raid boss difficulty – difficulty turned up for Warlords/Pandaria raids to put in line with leveling characters but overtuned them
Pet names disappearing
New backpack slots not showing up right away for new authenticators
Last wing of Argus LFR was bugged – if you wipe you can’t get back in
Redridge quest Saving Foreman Oslow not working
Patch 7.3.5: Leveling
The leveling experience: uneven reviews
Journey vs destination
Ren’s personal experiences doing N&A and feedback from the N&A participants
Professions: 1-60 profession progression still klunky
Still have old gathers (copper ore, thorium ore, peacebloom, goldthorn) tied to former zones
Level gains from herb/ore gathers still about the same as it was – about 1.7% of total level XP per gather for lower level gathers (reduces over time – was down slightly below 1% at level 63)
Leather/cloth gathers still tied to former zones (eg. leather experiment in Azeroth, cloth in BC/WOTLK)
Mobs and equipment scale to the toon, but profession drops still scale to the zone
Pro: You can still do predictable lower level farming
Con: Leveling might be a freedom of choice experience, but leveling professions is not — still tied to old zone definitions
Solution: Flatten mats to three tiers — levels 1-20, 20-40 and 40-60.
Enchanting squish did not go far enough, may have skipped guild banks entirely
Naked & Afraid 2018
Ren is level 19 in N&A – not highest toon but has the most gold (Maxx, gnome outlaw rogue, is level 30 with 9 hours /played)
Started Wednesday, 1/17 – join in anytime
3 official servers but you don’t have to join
Lots of minor rule clarifications, one major change
Almost 30 official participants so far
Shout out to MythGamingMN for streaming his N&A.
Mod of the Cast: Pawn
Mod of the Cast (Mike): All The Things
Podcast: Play in new window | Download

This Week in Trek Episode 325, “Two Baloks are better than one”
Discord: http://discord.thisweekintrek.com
Patreon: http://patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv
Wilson Cruz is in the credits as a ”recurring guest star” because series regulars are exclusive to that project. He can’t be exclusive because he is also recurring on another series called 13 Reasons Why.
“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — Volume 2” soundtrack collection is now available at LaLaLandRecords.com
March 6 on Netflix: ALIENS ATE MY HOMEWORK is a new film featuring William Shatner.
Cosmos S2 coming
Finally, Seattle! Remembering Leonard Nimoy will air on KBTC – February 22nd at 9pm.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Who do u think would have been a great guest star on TOS when it aired in the 60’s?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Camp Nowhere, 1994. Christopher Lloyd, Also Kate Mulgrew & Jonathan Frakes.
In this scene, the kids are writing a fake letter to home cuz they’re actually not at camp.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TNG: S5, Unification 2
Character insight: The characters of Mark Lenard

This Week in Trek Episode 324-Discovery Edition, “Saru got a name, Saru free!”
Discord: discord.thisweekintrek.com
Patreon: patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: twitch.tv/starmiketv
Our look at Star Trek Discovery Episode 11, “The Wolf Inside”

This Week in Trek Episode 324, “Zoomin N’Hance”
Discord: discord.thisweekintrek.com
Patreon: patreon.com/starmike
Twitch: twitch.tv/starmiketv
William Shatner appointed to the Order of Canada for his contributions to pop culture. bit.ly/shatroc
Get tickets for WILLIAM SHATNER at STAR TREK:ORIGINAL SERIES SET TOUR! Saturday May 5th on The Enterprise sets in Ticonderoga N.Y. 12883
Tickets are available at startrektour.com
Anthony Rapp and Wilson Cruz on several magazine covers this week.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Who do u think is the best singer in Trek? My vote is Jeri Ryan.
Star Trek in pop culture:
“Littlest Petshop” S1, E16. The owner gets a new truck & the pets explore it.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TNG: S5, Unification 1
Character insight: Ensign Tess Allenby
Subspace communications
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