Archive for October, 2017

This Week in Trek Episode 314, “Can’t find anything for you at the Q Mall”
Unused Chris Eidelman Discovery music on Spotify.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Do u think the most popular Trek episodes are the ones that have time travel in them? If so, why are they so popular?
Star Trek in pop culture:
From Nathan on Twitter: Sports Night S2, E3
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TNG S4: Q-Pid as requested by Chris on Twitter
Character insight – Captain Proton
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This Week in Trek Episode 313-Discovery Edition, “Disco, in the disco, on the DISCO”
We take a look at Episode 7, “Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad”
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World Of Warcast Episode 264, “You have to take care of Pepe’s bum”
Episode 264
LIfe invasions continue – but for good reasons
New microphone! (and why it’s a commitment stand-in)
Seeing if I can resurrect the original Renata (but not til 6 PM tonight)
Level 72 shaman
Diablo III
Contemplating a hardcore run for new Seasons (starts Nov 9)
New undead murloc necromancer pet rocks
Got Naxxy, and Pepe is uncomfortable on my Gilnean form witch hat
Horseman’s Reins
Steamwheedle rep does work in Badlands
And Tanaris
Can’t really find any other post-cata quests.
Is there something I’m missing because killing mobs for 2 rep each is not fun.
Timewalking – got a 905 chest, iLvl went down one point lol.
This Week in WoW
Hallows End ends (Wed Nov 1)
Day of the Dead starts (Nov 1 – Nov 3)
World Quest Bonus Event starts (Tues Oct 31)
Shaman Challenge
First two Finishers!
Filius, with troll shaman Shameena reached level 110 in 4d 5h 44m and 14s.
Jemela, Draenei shaman 2 days 10 hours 45 minutes, 41 seconds
Token prices on the rise again – noted by Discord user JSHMLR
190k on US servers average, 290k on European servers
Patch 7.3.2 – Documented changes
Includes additional tuning for Antorus, but the raid isn’t open yet
Balance druid and elemental shaman changes –
Shamanistic Healing trait redesigned – now heals for increasing amount per rank (was fixed) with a fixed cooldown for 30 seconds (was 30 seconds minus 2 seconds per rank)
Three new class hall missions giving follower armor rewards
Added a Primal Sargerite vendor to the Vindicaar
Can now sell a number of legacy class set items back to vendors
*SPOILERS about the next expansion?*
As of today, until Oct 31, Wowhead is giving away 15 Blizzcon Virtual Tickets. Visit Wowhead for entry details.
It’s next week!
Possible leak of the expansion title?

This Week in Trek Episode 313, “So here’s my number, let’s Xindi maybe”
Discovery S2 coming. Klingon war aftermath. Where they get hair implants.
Star Trek Continues
Nicola Bryant (Peri from DW)
Amy Rydell played the Romulan Commander
Her mom played the original character
Re: CBS All Access (Ray on Twitter) If you attempt to cancel they will give you a month free.
TOS & TNG adult coloring books are out now from Dark Horse Comics.
DISCO shirts
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: If u can slingshot around the sun and travel into the past, would u try to correct any mistakes u made?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Futurama S2, E3 (now on Hulu). The DOOP (UFP) ships are lining up to shoot down a giant enemy ship. Fry is flying the ship, shooting at stuff.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: ENT 306: Exile
Character insight – Discovery’s Season 2 renewal news
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This Week in Trek Episode 312-Discovery Edition, “Groovy!”
We take a look at Discovery Episode 6, “Lethe”
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World Of Warcast Episode 263, “You can run around as a horse’s ass”
Too much adulting this week – only got to level 70 in shaman challenge
Update on the restore/switch faction bug
Shaman to 50.
200 mounts!
Hallow’s End
Got 150 treats in one night.
The trick to doing the wickerman – invisibility items. Instant vs. casting time.
Trying to get the headless horseman mount – how many years has it been?
This week in WoW
Black Temple timewalking – dropping base i900 items, NOT i930
Hallow’s End
Tricky Treats – Headless Horseman, daily quests, candy buckets. Use to buy masks, costumes for you or for pets (there’s three pug costumes and one Pepe skin), consumables, pets (Naxx, Sinister Squashling, Cursed Birman, Feline Familiar or Widget the Departed), heirloom upgrades (armor casings), and toys (horse head and tail, Little Wickerman)
Wickerman (Grim Visage) buffs for baby shamans (10% exp and rep for 2 hours)!
XP bonus applies to mob kills only – doesn’t increase XP from quest turnins or pet battles (“Apply Aura: mod Experience Gained %(mob kills only)”).
Rep bonuses: does work with Legion tokens and other commendations in the game, and does stack with human’s 10% exp racial ability
New this year: Naxxy, undead companion pet (150 Tricky Treats)
New costume – Xavius (200 treats)
New front and back end of a horse
Headless Horseman drops 880 loot
Magic Broom – 25% drop rate out of Horseman’s stash
mount – 0.5%
880 gear includes a sword (kind of silly for anything other than transmog), helm, and rings
Elysium shuts down because someone was taking home 2000 euros/month and someone else was running a gold selling service.
Patch 8.0 made a (very) brief appearance on beta servers
Mod of the Cast

This Week in Trek Episode 312, “Many whelps! Handle it!”
DSC Ep 6: Lethe
DSC Ep 7: Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad
DSC Ep 8: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
DSC Ep 9: Into the Forest I Go
Disco shirts!!
The Orville: Last episode was the best so far. Many things to think about.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Which would u rather do: be the first person to test a transporter or the first person to test warp speed?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Book: Promises in Death by JD Robb – from the audio book
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TNG S4: Remember Me
Character insight – Captain Jellico
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This Week in Trek Episode 311-Discovery Edition, “USS How you doin’?”
Our thoughts on Episode 5, “Choose Your Pain”
Subspace communications
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This Week in Trek Episode 311-Discovery Edition, “USS How you doin’?”
Our thoughts on Episode 5, “Choose Your Pain”
Subspace communications
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World Of Warcast Episode 262, “It’s a bit mage-y”
Shaman challenge
Level 69 at 1d 6h – got through Outland, now in Northrend – 60-68 seemed very slow
A funny thing happened on the way to the Alliance: Restored a previously deleted 110 horde mage, took her to Alliance and weirdness happened
Shaman challenge
15 to 38 in one night.
Lots of dungeons and dungeon quests.
Could get 2-3 levels in a run
Rested XP was a waste because you blow right through it.
Problem – Maraudon puts you in the dungeon, but no quests for two more levels. So, either quest or repeat dungeons.
Problem with that is now you’re moving further and further away from Stormwind (Stranglethorn or Plaguelands)
Had to run to Wetlands between dungeon runs. Waste of time. Not sure what else to do.
Toy is 10k gold, and only gives faction flight points, not neutral.
BTW: I still love Maraudon
This Week in WoW
Pet Xp event – 200% not 300% as originally advertised
Hallow’s End starts Wednesday the 18th at 10:00 AM PST
Running of the Gnomes – Saturday October 14th, to benefit the Cleveland Clinic and the creators of the Tuohy Vaccine, a proposed vaccine against breast cancer that’s showing great promise
Run from Gnomer to Booty Bay – clear 34 gates
Starts at 7 PM EST, purchase a pink tabard in Ironforge
This started on Scarlet Crusade and there are raids on Scarlet Crusade
Blizzcon 2017
All virtual ticket rewards
Flying mounts in WoW – two seaters (we knew this)
Other games – Overwatch Winston skin, Starcraft III Junker SCV, Probe and Drone Skins; Heroes of the Storm Nexus Razorback mount, Diablo III Murkromancer Pet, and a “mystery goodie” for Hearthstone.
Blizzcon Merch
New plushes: Pirate Pepe Plush, Raptor Plushie, Elekk Plushie
Jaina Key Art Poster
Ugly Holiday Greench Sweater
Sylvanus Short Sleeved Hoodie
Sargeras Shirt
New pins and new patches for the goody bag – trying to encourage badge trading\
Shaman challenge
Proposed change to 2018 Naked & Afraid Challenge: any class, any spec (but choose once!) and on your honor to pick a class you’ve never successfully leveled to 110
Demon hunter speed runs
Shriekrunner – uses demon hunter’s mastery scaling at level 101 to get a minimum speed of 230% base speed – speed going up to 350-410%. Uses tricks, potions, and shortcuts – showed video of clearing old world dungeons in a total of 18 minutes, not counting travel time between dungeons (Gundrak clear took 13 seconds)
Posts build and tricks in a linked Reddit thread
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