Archive for November, 2017

World Of Warcast Episode 268, “Was Moon Guard kinky back then?”
Our talk about WoW Classic.
This week:
Accidental discovery: how accidentally three-manning heroic Eye of Azshara turned into two-manning normal dungeons (EoA, Black Rook, Vault of the Wardens, Violet Hold, Darkheart Thicket, Maw of Souls), mage and warlock style
Epic troll druid progress: Resurrected October 26 — in 30 days, leveled 101-110, finished 2 druid weapons, class hall, Broken Shore campaign, Argus campaign, iLevel 913
Worgen mage finished class hall, almost finished Argus, iLevel 911 – first level 1000 legendary
Achievement hunting w/Ali
Mount farming – nothing this week dropped 🙁
This Week in WoW
Antorus opened
Antorus Mythic opens next week
End of Pilgrim’s Progress, 13th Anniversary
Pet XP event ends Tuesday
Cataclysm Timewalking next Tuesday
News and Discussion
Shaman Challenge – new finishers and a new record!
New secret mount discovered
New mount in Heroic Argus – Violet Spellwing
Spoilers from the cinematic!
Classic server discussion continued
What happened when? An overview of vanilla patches
Mod histories
When did mods become available?
First Mod of the Cast – SellValue, 26 March 2006
First 5 mods still available from Curse (but only one still works)
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This Week in Trek Episode 318, “Is massage part of the first officer job description?”
Star Trek night at San Franscisco’s AT&T Park next August. On Sale at 10:00am on 11/20. Your Special Event ticket package includes a ticket to watch the Giants take on the Mets, & a Star Trek/Giants Starfleet Command Badge Hat. Friday, August 31, at 7:15 PM at AT&T Park.
Shatner blocks Jason Isaacs
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Who would u like to share a drink with: Scotch with Scotty, Vodka with Chekov or Saurian Brandy with McCoy?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Almost Famous
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TOS S1: Shore Leave
Character insight – Commander Kelby

This Week in Trek Episode 317, “What is the velocity of an unladen starship?”
Star Trek Continues
Jason Isaacs uses a southern accent cuz he didn’t wanna sound like Picard.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Rokeg Blood Pie, Gagh or Pipius claw; which Klingon delicacy would u serve for your family for Thanksgiving? None is not an answer. 🙂
Star Trek in pop culture:
Star Trek 3D Chess consultant Leroy Dubek. Suggested by Daniel on Twitter.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TNG S1: The Last Outpost
Subspace communications

World Of Warcast Episode 267, “Happily transmuting”
Our talk about WoW Classic.
This week:
Ren –
Shaman now level 108
Now declaring new main: troll feral cat druid
Going to finish Suramar and get flying — I swear it will be done
Jewelcrafting mounts
Mike –
Mount farming and a lot of toon cleanup.
Achievement farming w/Ali. I still one-shot things.
This week in WoW
WoW Anniversary – until November 30th
Mail goodies:
Celebration Package: 13% XP and rep bonus – 10 second cooldown, multiple uses throughout the next 2 weeks
Stupid tabard though
200 timewarped badges
A letter that starts Interesting Times, first quest to visit a historian in Stormwind or Orgrimmar
Daily quests:
Time to Reflect – 25 timewarped badges for answering a lore question
The Originals – 50 timewarped badges slay Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and Dragon of Nightmare
Respawn timer 5 minutes
Lord Kazaak – Blasted Lands, north of the Tainted Forest
Azuregos – Azshara, southeast of the Secret Lab
Dragons of Nightmare – can be in Duskwood, Ashenvale, Hinterlands and Feralas
Druids: Dreamwalk can take you to some locations for Dragons of Nightmare (different Emerald Portals)
New badge loot
Bronze-Tinted Sunglasses – cosmetic transmog for 200 TW badges
Two celebration wands for 25 TW badges (5 charges) – Quillboar and Trogg
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti Costume (3 charges) – 50 timewarped badges
Can save TW badges for a variety of toys, mounts, and pets
Pilgrim’s Bounty – November 20 – 27
Do daily quests and earn achievements to earn pets, transmogs, and
Want to get Fine Pilgrim’s Hat, which adds the Pilgrim’s Hat transmog to all armor types – can be found in the daily quest reward Pilgrim’s Bounty
Good for leveling low level cooking & collecting new cooking recipes
The last (for now) thoughts on classic servers.
Battle For Azeroth Q&A
Heart of Azeroth will replace tier bonuses
The incentive will be Heart of Azeroth upgrades and other items.
7.3.5 – Antorus Epilogue quest content, Ulduar Timewalking, preview of Silithus BG, scaling world content.
Rep standing might affect allied race unlocking.
Yes, you can race change to an allied race
Troll posture will be covered in Zandalari allied race
Not as many legendaries in BfA
No plans for 10-man Mythic
Blizz thinks this is an “exciting time” for World PvP. I disagree. Once that hordie hovers over you for the third time, you just tick your flag off.

This Week in Trek Episode 316, “A Boatload of Children”
Discovery returns from hiatus on Jan. 7 with the episode “Despite Yourself”.
Work on S2 actually started yesterday.
Leonard Nimoy album “Mr Spock’s Music From Outer Space” to be re-released on vinyl Nov 24. Limited to 1800 copies.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Which Klingon actor did u like best: Christopher Plummer or Christopher Lloyd?
Star Trek in pop culture:
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. S3, E3 “Zari”. In this clip there’s a superhero rescuing a ship & he’s asked how it’s going. Suggested by Jordan on Twitter.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: DS9 S6, E22: Valiant
Character insight – Azan and Rebi

This Week in Trek Episode 315-Discovery Edition, “This is a lovely room of death”
We take a look at Episode 9, “Into the Forest I Go”
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World Of Warcast Episode 266, “I’ve gathered and I can’t get up”
Our talk about WoW Classic.
This week:
Ren –
Shaman: level 96
Shaman challenge spreadsheet (of course it’s a spreadsheet)
Resurrected old Legion baby troll druid
Remembered why auction mules need to be at least level 10
Looking forward to season 12 in Diablo 3
Mike –
Lots of mount runs on all toons. Only got the egg.
I figure out how to solo Deathwing.
Also, I tend to one-shot things.
This week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire ends Saturday
Lich King timewalking
Sunday – Moonkin Festival in Moonglade (1 day)
Observe baby moonkin dancing, napping and moonfiring and get your own temporary Moonkin Companion pet for 24 hours
Other quests let you increase up to 5 moonkin babies following you around for up to 5 days
World boss: Ana-Mouz in Suramar. Drops Skimpy Leather Tunic for transmog.

This Week in Trek Episode 315, “The future only has golf pencils”
Nov 20: Work on DSC Season 2 begins. May not debut until 2019.
Anovos DSC phaser prop replica: Wave one: December 2017 delivery. ANOVOS has cut off wave one on November 15 or whenever 50 units are sold, whichever comes first. Wave 1 closed – wave 2 delivery Feb 2018
DSC Engineer is now on Twitter @GeorgeAlevizo_
All of TNG Blu-ray $78.80.
Orville: The latest episode had almost no laughs & I loved it.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Lucille Ball practically saved Trek if I understand it correctly. Wonder why she never acted in any episodes?
She just had no interest in doing so. Saving it was a business decision.
Star Trek in pop culture:
Here’s Lucy, 1972. Episode “Lucy’s Replacement”. She arrives at work to find a large computer that is being rented as a trial to possibly replace her.
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. S3, E3 “Zari”. In this clip there’s a superhero rescuing a ship & he’s asked how it’s going. Suggested by Jordan on Twitter.
Last week in Trek
NCIS Two idiots, one keyboard clip:
Episode insight: VOY S4, E22: Unforgettable
Character insight – Ishka
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World Of Warcast Episode 265, “New horde profession-back surgeon”
Our talk about WoW Classic will be on Thursday’s episode.
Incoming for 7.3.5 – (no release date; not even up on PTR yet)
Timewalking Ulduar, new battleground
Event in Silithus to herald in the start of expansion
Leveling Improvements (yay!!!!!)
All content previous to Warlords will SCALE TO LEVEL – within ranges
Classic starting zones: 1-10
All old world vanilla zones: 10-60
Burning Crusade and Wrath zones: 60-80
Cataclysm and Pandaria zones: 80-90
What this means: You can actually complete zones without leveling out of them and feeling forced to move on and you can choose where you level up
Dungeons will also scale accordingly – so will loot drops (yes, run Wailing Caverns at 60 and you’ll get level 60 mobs and level 60 gear)
Incoming also – no release date
Accounts with an authenticator attached will get a “small increase” to the size of their standard 16 slot backpack – may be connected to WoW’s upcoming 13th anniversary event (Nov 16-30)
Expansion: Battle for Azeroth (not Tides of Vengeance) – also no release date
Level to 120 (one instant boost to 110)
Return to faction based play areas
Bye-bye Teldrassil and Undercity (but not Silvermoon and Exodar) — hello each faction controlling their own continent
Does the zone control mean no leveling zones for the opposite faction?
New island zones Zandalar and Kul Tiras with three areas for each
Horde: Zandalar – obviously troll focused
Alliance: Kul Tiras – naval power (which we’ve never seen because apparently they’re so good they can hide the most powerful navy in the world from everyone until now)
New subraces: the four we mentioned on the last show plus two more (Horde: Highland Tauren, Nightborne and Zandalari Troll. Alliance: Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei and Dark Iron Dwarves).
Will get 6 new character slots on each server
You have to open these subraces via quests — once opened it’s accountwide
Subraces start at level 20. You can race-switch into them using Blizzard game services, but if you run one from 20 to 120 you get an achievement plus special heritage armor transmog
3-person Island Cooperative challenge gameplay
Changing mini scenarios on islands
Would like to have seen this scalable to other size groups – 3 is awkward
20-person raids called Warfronts to claim strategic locations
this is a PvE system, not PvP, “inspired by classic Warcraft RTS battles”
(Ren: Damn good thing or the Horde on Whisperwind is screwed)
Artifact amulet (Heart of Azeroth) instead of an artifact weapon – a system with a sort of mini-talent tree used to select and empower abilities – replacements for the Artifact, Artifact Power and Netherlight Crucible systems from Legion
Powered by Azerite, will automatically absorb Azerite when it’s nearby
Helm, chest, and shoulders will be empowered through Heart of Azeroth
Probably will need an entire episode just on this – but practical upshot is the artifact weapons are going away and this is the replacement
PVP/PVE server distinction is going away – now it will be selectable
Internal sharding allows PVP-flagged players to see/group with only one another, and PVE-unflagged players to see/group only with one another
All servers will run under same rules of engagement
Only place you can flag PVP is in capital cities – can’t flag PVP on the fly
No randomly flagged people running around
PvP gives added bonuses in addition to added risk
Item level decrease incoming
Not exactly the warlords “stat squish” where numbers were reduced across the board
Numbers from the Dungeon Journal in the demo at Blizzcon – 880 items were showing up as 215, 900 as 235, 1000 as 335
Basically trying to make numbers a bit more meaningful
Presumably mobs and such will be scaled as well — functionally should not change, just how it’s displayed
New model changes incoming for several character races – Orcs and Trolls were demoed to choose between a hunched or upright character). Mostly focused on original races, plus blood elf and draenei. Goblins and Worgen will get makeovers later.
Beta Opt-In for Expansion – scroll to the bottom of the page if you want to get into the beta

This Week in Trek Episode 314-Discovery Edition, “Everybody Loves Tilly”
We take a look at Episode 7, “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
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