Archive for March, 2018

World Of Warcast Episode 282, “Fuego”
Finishing zones, changing to Beastmaster on hunter
The handy parts about thinking about alt priority
Island Expeditions
This Week in WoW
World Quest Event – bonus reputation
Darkmoon Faire starts on April 1 – rep bonuses from carousel and top hat stack with World Quest Event
Noblegarden – April 2
Reminders: 2 pets and 1 mount – spring rabbit, noblegarden bunny (added 2017), springstrider mount
New Naked & Afraid Finisher: Settlersrule, Alliance panda windwalker monk, with 5 days 23 hours and 28 minutes, and 24,483 gold.
Next highest in progress: Norgreyclub, dwarf retribution paladin, level 92, closely followed by Alcina, a night elf arcane mage at 91 and Buffysummers, a human windwalker monk at level 90
Pax East – Apr 5-8 at Boston Convention Center – Demo stations for new Island Expedition feature
Family Guy episode April 1 – Warcraft references
Player gets every achievement in game (3,314) – Xirev, a blood elf fire mage
Need to do things like reach prestige 25, collect 300 toys and mounts, and win 5000 pvp pet battles
One achievement ahead of Metatrosha, a human shadow priest (same number of points; Alliance have one extra 10 pointer)
Wowhead interview with Xirev
Single hardest achievement: high rated PvP ones – most others simply “tedious”
Single hardest non-PvP achievement – “Going to Need a Bigger Bag” – obtain all the rare items from Timeless Isle. Involved a lot of realm hopping (56 items)
Time /played: Estimated 850-900 days /played. 434 days /played on mage alone.
20,400 to 21,600 hours
8,760 hours in 1 year (not counting leap years)
Done over 6 years – 6 years has about 122,400 hours (without leap years)
Average of 5.5-6 hours per day, every day, or 38.5 – 42 hours per week
Ren: Did my own /played calculation on all active toons – came out to 6554 hours or 273 days /played. Sounds like a lot, but when averaged over 10 years (didn’t play for 4 years out of the past 14) it comes out to less than 1 hour per day /played
Alpha News
Changes to quest log – looked at first like the quest log limit was going up to 50. Not true – but it seems like some quests no longer count toward the 25 limit – including account wide quests such as many battle pet quests
New Alpha build includes several class talent changes
Alpha Profession changes:
Enchanting: many new ring and weapon enchants, glove enchants for gathering professions
RETURN OF Wands (Scepters). Last available: VANILLA
Engineering: some of the usuals like glasses, explosives, and scopes
RETURN OF Engineered belts. Last available: WRATH OF THE LICH KING
More weapons (guns, maces)
Interesting bits: Slumber Bombs, Electroshock Mount Motivator (+10% mount speed for 10 seconds, stacks up to 5x, “increased motivation may cause your mount to become disoriented”), Deployable Attire Rearranger, Interdemensional Companion Repository (portable stablemaster), and an XA-100 Surface Skimmer (25 sec duration)
Inscription: new codex
New Darkmoon cards, Vantus runes
Offhand tomes and stat buff scrolls.. LAST AVAILABLE: CATACLYSM
New: Contracts: allows you to choose a faction with which you will gain reputation when you do world quests – requires Friendly rep with target reputation
Scroll of Unlocking – unlock anything that requires 550 lockpicking skill
Jewelcrafting – usual rings and stones
NEW: two staffs – both listed were listed as Mage but the second one (Laribole Staff) also listed Agility as a stat
Leatherworking – usual armor bits and drums
NEW: create fist weapons and bows (bow/crossbow was available in Engineering, 490/525, Cataclysm)
From the Discord:
Seems there is a fashion in listening to our oldest episodes

This Week in Trek Episode 335, “Got anymore of those emotions?”
From CBS on Twitter: “The backdrop of Season 1 was war. Next season will have a more exploratory and diplomatic tone.”
Season 2 will be 13 episodes.
Filming begins in April.
Shazad Latif is confirmed to be back.
Jonathan Frakes to direct an early DSC S2 episode.
If CBS re-merged with Viacom (Paramount), CBS management would be in charge.
Terry Farrell and Adam Nimoy got married yesterday
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: At the dentist office now. Do u think there will be a need for dentists by the 23rd century?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Levar Burton was on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me last weekend.
Episode insight: TNG S6: Descent part 2

World Of Warcast Episode 281, “Fel sanitation simulator”
– Life invasions of all life invasions
– Had to update laptop to make WoW run
– Game goals:
– get Field Medic done
– get toons left behind caught up on Argus and professions
– running up a void elf warlock for the hell of it
– Question to self: do I have too many alts?
– 12 110s with two duplicates (rogue and mage on Alli/Horde)
– no DK or DH
– Question: Is Blizzard both encouraging more alts AND not paying enough attention to making game alt-friendly?
– If I had to pare down my alts, who would make the cut?
So close to finishing up this rep from Hell.
Thanks to Ali for filling in last week about alpha
Infinite Timereaver mount dropped while doing timewalking. That was fun.
Alpha is still fun, but obviously limited in scope at the moment. There was a 1GB patch.
Maybe I’ll try tanking again.
I have a ton of quests I need to finish up.
The Argus version of the flight whistle should have been available at honored, not revered.
This Week in WoW
Not much – Arena Skirmishes, then World Quest Event next Tuesday
On the horizon: Noblegarden (4/2 – 4/9)
Mythic Antorus now available for cross-realm groups, though not through LFR. “To join a public group for Mythic Antorus, just open Group Finder (hotkey: i), select ‘Premade Groups’, then ‘Raids-Legion’, then click on “Find A Group”. That returns a list of many public groups that are available to you. Start typing ‘Antorus’ into the search bar at the top, and you’ll be prompted to select a difficulty.”
Battle for Azeroth
New Alpha Build changes:
Achievements to unlock Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag’har Orcs added
Dark Iron racial mount: core hound
Latest build tagged “beta” instead of “alpha” and new invitations out
New “boop” emote
Some new enchanting stuff:
Swift Hearthing: bracer enchant to speed cast time of hearthstone
Gale-Force Striking: weapon enchant to increase weapon attack speed
First Aid confirmed going away – bandages will be under Tailoring and antivenoms/pots will be under Alchemy
New customization options for Blood Elves – three new faces and glowing gold eyes
Azerite bonuses datamined: Set bonuses also going away, being replaced by Azurite empowerment on armor
Several class specific traits, but also several that appear to be multi-class
Traits that increase primary and secondary stats by a set amount
Absorption traits – traits that shield or absorb a set amount of damage
DPS,heal, and tanking traits. DPS obviously increases your DPS, healing traits are self-heals, and tanking traits are damage mitigation:
(DPS) Gutripper – Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal 347 Physical damage to the target. Gutripper occurs much more often against targets below 30% health. (Approximately 5 procs per minute).
(DPS) Heed My Call – Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal 154 to your target, and 15 to enemies within 3 yards of that target.
(HEAL) Savior – Your heals on targets below 35% health have a chance to heal for an additional 208. (Approximately 5 procs per minute).
(HEAL) Self Reliance – While no enemies are within 20 yds, you heal for 70 every 3 sec.
(TANK) Gemhide – When dealt damage greater than 10% of your maximum health, gain 31 Avoidance and 138 Dodge for 10 sec.
(TANK) Winds of War – Taking damage grants you 14 Dodge for 3 sec, stacking up to 10 times.
New detail on parrot mount: drops from Skycap’n Kragg, boss in the Freehold dungeon
From the Discord
Naked & Afraid Challenge has its second finisher – TheCowKing (EU) with a feral druid – 4 days 1 hour 1 minute
Current highest still in progress – Settlersrule (101) windwalker monk

This Week in Trek Episode 334, “Raktajino in Paradise”
Saturn Awards nominations:
Best New Media Television Series
Sonequa Martin-Green for Best Actress on a Television Series
Jason Isaacs for Best Actor on a Television Series
Doug Jones for Best Supporting Actor on a Television Series
Michelle Yeoh for Best Guest-Starring Performance on a Television Series
Jason Isaacs won best actor in a TV Series from Empire Magazine
Simon pegg sez the Tarantino Trek would not be rated R and is an old idea.
Sets now under construction for season 2.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Do u think that Voyager overused the Borg in that any other potential series couldn’t use them with any effectiveness?
Star Trek in pop culture:
NPR’s interview of Jimmy Buffett about his new musical, Margeritaville.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TNG S6: Descent part 1
Character insight: The characters of Brock Peters

World Of Warcast Episode 280, “The Burning Squirrel”
Special guest host Ali (@aliandrasK) joins us to talk about Battle for Azeroth alpha.
This week is Cataclysm Timewalking.
Tuesday the 20th Arena bonus week.
Un’Goro Madness starts Sat goes through Mon.

This Week in Trek Episode 333, “This is all Chris’ fault”
The Anovos phaser is based on an early prototype & isn’t what’s on-screen. It was changed from the original design for ease of show production.
Creation Entertainment has canceled all its Trek cons except for STLV.
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: If you consider the Doctor on Voyager a sentient being, then would all EMH’s be considered the same?
Star Trek in pop culture:
Gilmore Girls. 2004. S4 E11. A character named Kirk tells of his Tinnitus.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: VOY: False Profits
Character insight: Timothy Lang

This Week in Trek Episode 332, “Awaiting endpoint”
2-foot Polar Lights K’t’inga Klingon Battlecrusier Model Kit Coming This Fall
Ten Forward:
Chris on Twitter: Do u think Discovery succeeded in bringing new fans to Star Trek?
Star Trek in pop culture:
30 Rock. 2012 S7 E4. Discussing an upcoming election and a scandalous photo.
Last week in Trek
Episode insight: TNG: S3 The Price
Character insight: Dr. Timicin
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